"In order to be irreplacable, one must always be different."
CoCo Chanel (1883-1971)

What a boring place the world would be without design.

Design is a treat for the eyes, a thrill for the mind and a celebration for the soul.

I have always held a deep love and admiration for design and all things artistic and creative. My fascination with the field of fashion began at an early age and I knew I wanted my career to head in this direction whilst studying Textiles in secondary school. What I love about fashion is how it can define you as a person. The colours you choose, the styles, the accessories, they all combine to give you an overall style that is unique to you.

Fashion is creative, seductive, always changing and a form of art. I enjoy being able to express myself and my feelings visually and creatively through my work. All areas of design inspire me in my fashion work, from architecture right through to colours and patterns.

I have gained an extensive amount of knowledge and skills in the art, design, fashion and marketing disciplines already from my continued education right up to degree level.

At present, I am in the final year of an undergraduate degree in Fashion with Marketing at the University of Hertfordshire. I have developed strong interests in Marketing, PR, Promotion, Illustration and Tailoring. Fashion Marketing is where I see my career heading after successful completion of my degree.
